Carnal Beginnings Read online

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  As much as he wanted to take her home, that would be a mistake at this point. She stood on the edge of an emotional abyss yet couldn’t see that he offered a bridge to safety.

  Current circumstances presented an opportunity to strike a path to her inner fears, then dissect and conquer them, a chance for her to gain confidence. He’d have to proceed with caution. Her hand still trembled and she hadn’t eaten more than a few bites of dinner. Still, progress consisted of small steps. The thought of hand-feeding the bundle of nerves brought a sigh of satisfaction.

  The smile she attempted as he held the front door open, accompanied a slight squaring of her shoulders. Unlike previous experience, she didn’t scrunch her body to avoid contact, even came within a hairsbreadth of brushing against him. Badass Adara is emerging.

  Hair on the nape of his neck stood as he escorted her through the deserted parking lot. A stiff breeze chased shadows in capricious pleasure, its fickle resolve to form phantom stalkers under the crepe myrtle an ominous forecast. Three lantern-style globes with prismatic glass sat atop the round fluted aluminum poles nearby, the light tasked to protect all within its domain. Striding behind the parked cars, Julien remained alert. Something felt—wrong. It had been years since his sixth sense prodded him in such a way.

  A cursory glimpse of his car revealed a flap of paper partly restrained by his windshield wiper. Unusual to have flyers distributed at this upscale restaurant. Neighboring cars had no such adornments. Closer inspection revealed not a flyer but a folded letter.

  Adara’s graceful settling on the seat after he opened her door furnished a countercheck to the foreboding atmosphere. His restless gaze again searched the surroundings for anything out of place that would trigger his instinct for reflexive action. No one he knew would contact him in such a manner.

  Taking hold of the wiper arm assembly, he lifted the blade. By handling the paper on the upper third and inside the margins, he hoped to avoid smudging any fingerprints, if they existed. Intuition turned his back to Adara as the air current opened the letter.

  Some bastard enjoyed a vivid if not warped imagination. Description of how the pervert would abuse and humiliate Adara after killing Julien in front of her portrayed a fertile imagination. Though somewhat relaxed since his stint in the military, he hadn’t been aware of anyone following him. Time to step up security—and speak with his brothers if she refused to discuss her situation. He would take no chances with her safety.

  With an easy nonchalance, he strode around the hood to open his door. With a tight smile, he placed the folded note under the seat. The thought of his brother’s comment about extra calcium from teeth grinding came to mind. If the note was a sample of how her family terrorized her, they were in for a very rude awakening, black ops style.

  Chapter Seven

  “Anything wrong, Mr.—um, Julien?” The fear in her voice slithered through his soul, fortifying protective instincts and berating his lack of attention to his surroundings.

  “No, just a note from one of my insane brothers.” Lying to her made his skin crawl, but the truth would make her retreat. “You know our penchant for practical jokes. I’ll either find a snake in my bed tonight or some other inane prank.”

  Her wary gaze had followed him as he strode around the front as if he would sprout wings and turn on her with the flip of a switch, reminiscent of mate munchers in various species. It wasn’t just her beauty and wounded strength that attracted him like iron to a magnet. Intelligence shone from sapphire-blue eyes, veiled for the most part, waiting for the chance to shine.

  The snick of his closing door and her subsequent sigh provided audible confirmation Adara welcomed the temporary cocoon. He hardened his resolve to see her not just safe and secure, but with the confidence to move forward in her life.

  “Oh, and thank you for dinner. It was wonderful. I’ve never eaten there before.”

  You still haven’t…unless you absorbed essential elements by osmosis.

  “You’re welcome, my pleasure. Thank you for letting me order for you.” One more test as he tallied the clues in his mind. Not only did she not bat an eye when he ordered, her posture relaxed with a deep breath and half smile. As he pulled out onto the highway, the car door locks automatically engaged. He locked out the peripheral controls.

  His natural instincts were to protect, which he would do despite desire riding him hard, his body making its own demands. He wanted her for himself. After months of observation, he’d never met a more desirable woman. The only acceptable outcome—to have her on his terms, which included physical and emotional freedom to make her own choices.

  “I thought maybe we’d take a ride down the coast. It’s early yet, maybe sit on the beach where we can talk without being interrupted.” The openness of the beach would make her feel free, the absence of others would allow her to open up.

  “Um, okay. Really though, you don’t need to go to all this trouble for me.”

  “No trouble at all. I enjoy your company, and I’ve been waiting for the right time to talk to you.” The slight noise of the tires thrumming down the highway provided a soothing backdrop to his tumultuous emotions. The next move must be a careful yet direct approach.

  “Oh. About what?” She gave him a nervous glance before gazing out her window, fingers curling around her upper arms.

  “Your family for starters. Which man is abusing you?” The blindsiding method worked, and he didn’t feel one iota of guilt for depriving her of time to think.

  A breath drawn in sharply, she moved closer to her door. “What are you talking about? Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Her voice held a distinctive quaver. She avoided his gaze.

  “Adara, listen. I know what’s going on, I just don’t know with whom. Let me help you.”

  Still she gazed out her window as if gathering her thoughts, then hung her head. Her body language read trapped and defeated. In the window’s reflection, jeweled drops fell to her slacks.

  A tight-knuckled grip on the steering wheel left his fingers with a bloodless tinge. Now was the time to set her straight on a few things.

  “Adara, look at me. Now.” He used his Dom voice and received an immediate response. When their gazes met, more tears slid silently down her cheeks.

  The jolt of his tires skidding on the dirt as he pulled into a rest area brought another sharp inhalation from his anxious waif. The view overlooking the beach calmed his rising frustration. With the touch of a button, the soft whir of his window lowering gave him time to collect his thoughts before turning toward her.

  “Adara, come.” Taking her left hand, he gently tugged before lifting her to sit sideways on his lap. “Listen, I will never hurt you. Understand? Look at me, hon.” Her delicate bone structure and thin frame gave her body a coltish look, yet she was a perfect fit in his arms.

  She tucked her chin down and lifted her gaze to meet his again. Her entire body trembled, yet she’d followed the command. Following orders is something she’s used to doing. Wide, frightened eyes suppressed God only knew what horrors. He wiped her tears with the pad of his thumb.

  Her expression held the innocence of youth, her gaze touching him for a heartbeat before sliding away. The puzzled frown that followed depicted the battle raging inside. A few minutes to collect her thoughts preceded the look of someone on the verge, deciding if it was safe to jump. He waited for her to fill the gut-wrenching silence.

  In his line of work, he’d seen many abused women. One of his brothers had met his submissive through their work and continued to help her deal with triggers and other issues. He could do the same for Adara.

  “Tell me, Adara. Who?”

  Her voice broke the silence with a whisper. “My uncle and cousin.” More tears.

  Jesus. “Both of them? How long?”

  “Yes, both. Since I was sixteen. It started when my parents died. At first, they just beat me. I thought that was bad.”

  Gently, he tucked her head beneath his chin, held her close then bur
ied his face in her silken mass of curls. A deep inhalation helped steady his rage. “I’m so sorry. Have you ever talked to someone? Teacher, counselor, anyone?”

  “No. Tony said he’d kill anyone who found out. I knew my only choice was to wait till I turned twenty-one to escape.”

  “Why not when you were eighteen?”

  “I didn’t know enough to hide from them, and I didn’t have any money. Still don’t, hence my job with your firm. Uncle Tony said they’d find me if I ran, but if I married Gary after my twenty-first birthday, I’d survive.”

  The only outward sign of his internal explosion was a string of curses. “Your uncle wants you to marry your own cousin?” He felt her fold in on herself, make herself smaller.

  “Well, I was adopted, so he’s not a blood relative.” Her voice was barely audible.

  Yeah, that made all the difference in the world. “And the reason for the marriage?” He knew what lay ahead, he’d done the background check. Yet she needed to verbalize that and so much more.

  “My father’s will. I receive my inheritance on my twenty-first birthday.”

  With his shirt wet from her tears, Julien found a small measure of peace that she could finally shed them. To know the aberrancy of what she lived, Adara must’ve shared a loving family for her first fifteen years, absorbing strength of spirit and memories of normal life to hold deep in her heart. “Which they’ll then take control of, I guess?”

  “Yes. I don’t care about the money or the businesses. They can have it. All of it. I just want freedom.” Her wistful expression held a yearning that transcended time.

  “And so you shall have it. On all levels, Adara. Safe and secure.”

  “That sounds too good to be true.”

  His mind worked various scenarios as he thought about the best way to help. “Okay. Tell you what. Why don’t you stay with me for a few days? I have lots of room, plus I can take you to and from work. See you safe. We’ll go from there.” Yeah…that’s playing with fire.

  “You mean—live with you?” He felt the shudder racking her body.

  “Yes and no, Adara. You can sleep in the spare bedroom. You won’t share my bed. You’ll be safe.”

  “But they’ll show up and take me away.”

  “Adara.” Again he shifted her to meet his gaze. “Just say no. They can’t legally force you to do anything, and I won’t let them take you against your will. Okay?”

  “They said they’d kill anyone who helped me. I don’t want you hurt.”

  “Not this time, sweetheart. Not this time. Are you forgetting my background? Together, we can stop them cold. What do you say?”

  For five years her uncle and cousin had provided an environment of abuse and terror. If not for Simmie’s intimidation at his office, he’d know the origin of the anonymous threat. Even so, he looked forward to a private meeting with the uncle and cousin, BODT style. His Bag Of Dirty Tricks held just the answer to her family problems.

  After several hours on the deserted beach, he began to see a new side of his assistant, one stronger and more confident. Adara had taken his hand when he offered, then gave a gentle squeeze to accompany her smile. That combined with the gentle whispering of the surf, soothed his nerves and instilled a temporary peace.

  With a little urging, she divulged the details surrounding her stalker, notes left on her car’s windshield, black roses on her seat, and robotic voice messages on her phone. The stalker’s handwriting didn’t match her uncle or cousin’s scribble. Last week, she’d received a photo of herself entering her home, which meant the bastard stalked her on all fronts.

  Since her family used a direct approach in their terrorization, they probably weren’t directing the latest series of events. Simmie came to mind. Julien had realized the man wasn’t hinged properly in the few minutes of scrutiny. Plus, the prick’s father had more money than sense, evident in the son’s attitude also. Money plus contacts equaled supplies, legal and otherwise.

  “Adara, do you have a smart phone, hon?”


  “How long have you had that particular phone?”

  “Since I graduated from high school…why?”

  “I’d like to take a look at it and disable the electronic tag. That’ll make it more difficult for someone to know where you are at any given moment. As a matter of fact, why don’t we just get you a new phone and let Conner look at yours, see if anyone’s uploaded tracking software. We can swing by his place on the way home.”

  “Huh, okay. Thank you, Julien. It’s in my purse.”

  Since reticence wasn’t a part of his character, he provided most of the conversation until she again relaxed, even though her palm stayed moist and he could feel her pulse hammer in her wrist.

  Progress existed in accepting his presence and holding his hand. Baby steps. Elation filled him with the revelation of breaking through her barriers and taking the first strides forward. She’d taken the initiative in becoming whole. Now came the time to fortify her defenses.

  Chapter Eight

  Detailed threats raced through Adara’s mind to spread a chill with the thought of Julien tangling with her family. They played dirty.

  Each mile driven and each bend in the road granted her stygian imagination open license to conjure horrific accounts of Julien’s death. By inviting him into her world, she’d committed the ultimate sin. Selfishness had never numbered among her shortcomings.

  Conner’s matter-of-fact manner in accepting her phone focused her attention on how the brothers covered each other’s backs and worked together.

  “What if they target you instead? Maybe I should’ve just thrown it away.” Helplessness riveted her gaze on Julien, so determined to set her free.

  “Then they’ll get a lot more than they bargained for. Don’t sweat it, Adara, Conner can take care of himself.” Julien’s assurances held the confidence associated with his demeanor.

  On the road again, Julien engaged her in small talk while acid razed her stomach lining and seared the back of her throat. The fresh start of her dreams hadn’t included fear and apprehension.

  New asphalt negated extraneous tire noise along the coastal highway while scenic views once beheld with appreciation passed without notice. The diamond-studded sky blended with the ocean at the horizon, all the mysteries held tight in quiet expectation. Sooner or later, her family or stalker would make their move, and she wouldn’t see its approach. Considering Julien’s background, she prayed he would.

  “Here we are.” Quiet words drifted off into a lengthening silence, as if waiting for her approval. Julien slowed to make the turn.

  “Wow. You said you lived in a beach house.” More like beach mansion. When the car rolled to a stop, she closed her eyes for a brief prayer.

  A seaside location, along with the home, fit Julien’s personality. Diverse landscaping included lavender, gazanias, and a sprinkling of roses decorating the front flowerbeds, their bright colors muted by the blanket of night. Their soft fragrance drifted to her as she followed Julien toward the side door. On a deep breath, she tried to match nature’s serenity.

  Intermittent low-voltage solar lights around a garden bench provided a cozy night retreat in the secluded oasis while more led to the home’s backyard. She’d figured him to be too busy to deal with such details but should’ve known better. It seemed no item escaped his notice.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll explain the security systems so you don’t feel hemmed in.”

  “Thank you again for your help.”

  His warm smile equaled the polar opposite of her uncle and cousin’s poor facsimile, while Simmie’s grin concealed a cache of secrets and condescension she never wanted to explore. Still, thoughts of what Julien might ask for in return slowed her pace.

  “Adara. What are you thinking…right now?” His countenance stern, he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and held out his hand. If she hadn’t seen the same expression imposed on others, she might’ve turned tail and run.

tead, she took his hand, trusting in the instincts that guided her to divulge her darkest secrets. Her other hand fingered the necklace received on her fifteenth birthday, an intricate locket in the shape of a gardenia. She’d never been able to open it. Her parents had told her they’d show her its secret on her sixteenth birthday, which they didn’t live to see.

  Unable to meet Julien’s gaze, she shivered in the strengthening offshore breeze. “Um, just hoping I’m not too much trouble.” He seemed to know what thoughts prowled through her mind at any given time.

  “For a second there, you seemed far away. Now you’re back to just worrying. What is it?”

  “Um, really.”

  “The only thing I insist on is honesty. There has to be complete honesty between us at all times. Okay? That is the only thing I ask of you. Now. What were your little gremlins stirring up in that busy mind of yours?”

  She closed her eyes tight, knowing she’d tell him the truth. “I’m afraid you might want something I don’t want to give. Not like I’m all that but, well, you are a man.” Regardless of their methods, all men sought one thing. Some wanted the additional perk of inflicting pain.

  “Ah…you think I’m going to ask you for sex? Though I find you intriguing on many levels and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, I won’t ask for anything you don’t want to give. I believe no means no, and I don’t force women to do anything. You are no more prepared for a relationship than a nun.”

  “Beautiful? I don’t think so.”

  Stepping closer, he smiled, then caressed her cheek with calloused fingers. Calming energy radiated from his touch, enfolding her body in a warm emotional blanket. Leaning into his caress as he cupped her cheek felt natural. The sounds of the night stilled and she let the bliss of the moment fill her soul. When a nearby tree frog broke the spell, her eyes snapped open and he moved away. The surreal interlude left her shaken.